Mowmacre Hill Sports Facility

This first-class site in the heart of Leicester will become the hub of FSD Academy

Mowmacre Hill Sports Facility

We were successful in a Leicester City Council tender application for the Mowmacre Hill Sports Facility leasehold in 2021, and we now plan to implement a staged process that will see the facility become the main hub of FSD Academy.

Mowmacre is located in the centre of Leicester and set across a massive 16 acres of land that we’re going to develop into a state of the art sports and education facility. From here we will run Btec/NCFE post-16 education and sports development, as well as secondary Alternative Provision, while the FSD football teams will also be based here.

We will also develop community interest projects and social outreach programmes, while working with like-minded organisations to develop a sporting and education power hub for the city of Leicester.

Sports facilities

We have big plans for Mowmacre Hill Sports Facility, but we’re already running some exceptional sports coaching services from this site, which comprises of:

2x full sized 11-a-side grass football pitches

1x 9–side grass football pitch

1x 7-a-side grass football pitch

2x 5-a-side grass football pitches

1x 7-a-side 3G sports pitch

1x full size cricket pitch

2x batting/bowling cricket nets

2x full sized tennis courts

2x changing rooms

Academic facilities

We’re planning to complete the development of the academic and social facilities at Mowmacre by 2023, but in the meantime we’re already offering first class academic programmes from the two full sized classrooms on the site.

The academic programmes we’re running from Mowmacre includes Btec/NCFE post-16 education and sports development and secondary Alternative Provision.

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