FSD Pathways: Secondary Alternative Provision for Years 7 - Year 11

Equality & Diversity Term

Promoting a culture of equality and diversity, our provision celebrates and integrates the rich heritage and values of the Muslim and Egyptian communities, honouring the contributions of our staff and fostering an inclusive environment for all. We are committed to understanding and respecting the unique cultural backgrounds that enrich our collective experience.

Individualized programmes for each student

FSD Pathways Secondary Alternative Provision offer a ‘Discovery’ and ‘Outreach’ programme to cater for the needs of any individual, whatever their background and situation. The Discovery programme is aimed at children who find mainstream education challenging but can benefit from an alternative environment and activities within their week. The Outreach programme typically caters for children with more complex needs and challenging behaviours. Both groups operate with limited numbers and high staff ratios to ensure a dedicated and personal approach that nurtures trust, respect and progress.

FSD Discovery Programme

Based at Mowmacre Sports Ground, students benefit from a unique mix of sport, education, life & social skills. Students can complete Sports Leaders awards where appropriate, alongside educational tasks set by FSD or schools as required.

FSD Discovery students spend 1-2 days per week on the programme, typically with the majority of time on-site, but with some sports and enrichment-based trips off site. FSD operate 3 mini-buses, with all trips risk assessed.

FSD Outreach Programme

Students on the FSD Outreach programme will register and complete some education on-site at Mowmacre Sports Ground, but the majority of their time is spent on sports and enrichment based trips off-site. With high ratios, staff are able to provide a supportive relationship with students, who learn to practice our core values of politeness, respect and positive thinking, in a safe environment where their own sense of self-esteem and belonging can develop.

Trips and activities include; football, sports, nature walks (E.g. Bradgate Park), pool, table tennis, shopping and more.

Students on both the Discovery and Outreach programmes have timetabled access to our on-site games and relaxation.

FSD staff are working towards the Trauma Informed Schools Accreditation in order to gain better understanding of the wide variety of backgrounds which attending children may have been exposed to.

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